Internet bidder password protection and data security company working in the field called the splash of data in 2015, the last year has made public a list of the world's worst password.
Over the past five years, every year the company does have such a list of public Internet users from using these insecure and weak passwords meant. Such weak password would be hacked and data stolen from the Internet bidder and other forms of cyber-criminals to economic and physical damage risk. In addition to including your privacy can be dissolved. From your Facebook profile to access online banking and goggle hyakarsako get by email is very dangerous.
In 2015, a list of the most vulnerable 25 per Internet user password is still dangerous and bad habit of using simple password is not removed, and they are putting yourself at risk constantly.
In 2011, the first allowing the forefront of the bad password, as this time, the worst password -12345678 and password list are maintained. Internet users have used a stretch of 20 million passwords that an analysis of this data base. According to reports in recent days have increased the use of a long letter and issue a password is. But despite such long passwords are so simple that any support of its lambaile not security.
Year such other bad passwords are running
- Qwerty - 12345 - 123456789 - football - 1234 - 1234567 - baseball
- Welcome - 1234567890 - abc123 - 111111 - 1qaz2wsx - dragon
- Master - monkey - letmein - login - princess - qwertyuiop
- Solo - passw0rd - starwars
If you have any of the above if the password used his unsolicited badalihalnuhos immediately. Because of the world these are the most vulnerable and poor password and hyakingako are high-risk.
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