Bhusal Jha and Ratan Chand sradva lift the time is sanibara police have impounded the river banks sradva doing Dhobi Jha and Chand Narayan Prasad cimariyako Metropolitan Police team led by Pasir upcoming siesapi them under control is also the Chairman of sarada Chand Foundation, police beyond its jurisdiction aliens said impounded. He said, 'We were doing sradva river, no movement, rallies, slogans, some have also noticed sit still in police custody and 6 hours kastadima rear. "He explained sradva Pandit Raj Kishore Shah. Pandit said police ascertained due to obstructions on Saturday sradva lien by the Bagmati River, took pinda cooling nasekale Sunday Pashupati pinda Chand said water to cool libation. Conservation Foundation to eradicate corruption is also a saying Bhusal BS 070 and 13 days before staging a seated child. During the strike the government to break the 11-point agreement was signed. Government Agreementpinda 4
The art form of protest to implement candale sradva said, "This year we had the previous year, police intervened and capable of hovering tarpanapani pinda cool." In the past 21 years to become ensnared in corruption eradication campaign Bhusal goodwill ambassador and complimentary phaibha schools Youth Foundation is also a member of America Climate parivartanamaka name of corruption, saying corruption paibha schools jalabayuma Youth Foundation work has jalabayuka name of corruption is about the work done.


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