September 7 pariedekhi Birgunj-Raxaul way to halt the southern homeland of closing. So far, one of the country's major trade Customs not inbound cargo vehicles. Under normal circumstances, the time for families to spend time with subtle problems now are ingenious.

Jala said hes movements for their rights for so long that they had imagined. Birgunj of Commerce and Industry in the beginning stages of movement a statement urged the government to immediately address the legitimate requirements, and in solidarity with him. Continue forced into staging a protest out of solidarity entrepreneurs. However, the pain they are the murder. "One is the industry became business failed," said an entrepreneur, "a contribution to the demand for it dukhaisakyo head. There has been no guarantee of security. '

Re-route to other carrier vehicles from Birgunj Customs bhitryaumda its yard, 60 thousand to one hundred thousand additional amount pratitraka has kharcinu. "Furthermore third countries imported container demurrage charges and truck rental of goods more than the value reached, a yard and said, 'produced by the cost of goods has increased, it is expensive increases." A 40-ft containers, a late fee of about 10 million rupees paid by Commission President Ganesh Lath Information given. About 6 billion, the government amended a late fee relief initiatives have thalekama yard. Birgunj--Pathalaiya industrial corridor of raw materials and other bordering countries to attract to it.

'Industries must smash off when persistent, fear and extortion threat is made more mental biramijhaim, "said an official of the EU," the pain of the hold. "The trade deficit is no state can count. Industry operating environment for living and as many entrepreneurs bigrimdai elsewhere have begun to drain manasthitisameta. Birgunj city in the central part of the country is connected with Kolkata bandaragahasamga rail ways. Major industrial corridors, as this sector with 60 percent of the total revenue the government receives.

The movement reached its peak during the fourth major contribution to assist the industry, warehouse, commercial enterprises stones and petrol bombs at them repeatedly. Police involved in arson or looting, over 12 are taking action is used. Three days later, five months to reach the main streets of zonal market movement barely open a month. High shutter rental business started with the crisis in the lower class and the merchant's capital Shlok draper Agrawal says Madan. The number of daily customers faeces display market is being disturbed. The struggles to come from other districts, Birgunj have left customers.

Off the second week of August and the Inland Revenue Office has not been ascertained yet. However, the Inland Revenue Department said last December 20, by publishing a notice in the Income Statement and the value-added tax (VAT) to be paid by January 25 has called for. A statement issued by the department director Gopi Prasad Koirala reiterated that now extend to explain the prescribed period has been notified. The information that has become concerned entrepreneurs, Chairman of Birgunj Chamber said Kediya.
Sunsari-Morang also like
About five months off and more than three months due to an undeclared sanctions Sunsari-Morang Industrial Corridor loss of nearly 20 billion industrialists / entrepreneurs have expressed. Are there circumstances in many industries shut down their production.
The rest of the market up 22 million Madhesi bandapachi PLO President of Biratnagar said Bhola Prasad Dulal. "Mechi Mahakali contact vikretasamga five months expired, the worry is that how to raise money," he said. His industry was completely shut and a half months. During this period, half of the salary of employees and workers are given.

January 1 was opened on Wednesday the industry, but not to use diesel. "Grows every day, shedding schedule. Produced goods that could not move markets, "he said," In some places, the shop opened five months devising yet. Transport vehicles plying on. Produced goods is not a place, it would be 50 million investment halejasto monumental. 'Road vehicles rumbling seem, Naka comfortable even industry / business he could not be resumed. He took a container from Kolkata to arrive 26 days, only the first five days' journey. 40 million container demurrage charges brought bitumen has to pay 26 million Euro. 'I am surprised not yet paid. How to pay so much money? 'Dulal expressed confusion. PLO group does an annual 60 million lubrikentaso business.

Morang Trade Association member hearing Agrawal western region more than two million money market remains overdue. Domestic brands of mustard oil producer, says, "There is no alternative situation were closed. 'Tend to sanctions, and many industries were closed due to the strike of Madhesi He pointed out.

Madhesi closed and due to sanctions, has ridden the industrial corridor. It is hard to find if produced raw materials to the disruption of commodity markets. India and Nepal for third countries to make any remarks kantenaharule load. So far the regional deficit well above the industry organization that connects the said 20 billion in Morang district. Border barriers, a 12 hundred vehicles daily 'detention' charge only so far reached 36 million, the organization says President Shankar Agarwal. Similarly, containers charging more than 36 million people and only eight billion bank interest and 82 million vehicles, according to him.

Nepali economy has been weakened by the foundation for 22 years of diligent analysis taracana dangerous situation still bring Khaitan now rife about the future kalobajarile. PG Economics Professor Keshav Pahadi sanctions and Banda said the country's economic development 10 years later pushed. 'Terai economy has been more severely, "he said," working souls are in need of livelihood loan calls. Working with the business loan growth has been stalled. Not in a position to pay interest. "Economists bhesaprasada worst time for cheating the Nepalese economy, he said. "Capital flight together as many have lost their jobs. Labor abroad has increased, "he said," is sure to fall in economic growth WFS. '
Nab collapse
Dhanusha industries / businesses are made to collapse. Two big industry losses of about one billion. Small, medium and micro enterprises and small and large shops conductor situation is miserable. Bandas were anxiously Thursday counteracting movement.

"The situation has been blacklisted during the bank unable to pay interest. 50 million one hundred and 50 days Birgunj border tractor is stopped. Daily 14 hundred Indian Rupee parking fee to pay. It was not easy, if we do not pass on the street come easily, "Sona- tractor operator authorized seller S. Sandeep Agrawal lamented Atocha. About 1/1 thousand workers paying jobs Everest Paper Mills and Teak Ply have been shut down five months. The rise in raw materials supply has not blocking traffic. Preparation could not send out the goods.

Commerce and Industry, the number of registered business firms Janakpur five thousand five hundred six. However, the district more than 25 small-large industries / business operation President Shankar groin. According to him, about half of them have found employment with arthritis. Now all have become unemployed.

The situation is no less traumatic farmers cane growers. Dhanusha about three thousand farmers cultivating sugar cane. Production last year was 10 million quintals. This year is expected to be producing equally. It is odd hours remained closed dry conditions. Generally: November 20 local sugar factories operated until the end of January have not been ascertained. Millions of farmers and sugar factories, walk the streets by mid-January from autocracy ramakisuna Mahato cane growers.
Bara mess
Bara residents do not suffer pain, and evaluate. The lack of inflation has increased and black. Opened Closed ploweth blackmail, and Chhath years. The proposed two-number pradesaantargata parsadekhi saptarisammako life is a mess.
Entrepreneurs and farmers equally staggering pain. Industries, factories halt the rise of workers' Victim. Carts, rickshaws and local transportation workers working meal is earned. Some have begun to adopt an alternative career. Most loans and credit are used to support the family. Busy with some friends has become addicted to alcohol and tarot cards.

Federal Socialist Forum Forum- Yadav today said it found the temporary loss of the known loss of rights did not say that logic. However, Kaliaya Raja Ajai Chowdhry says Professor campus, "rather than saltinuko bigger problem has been the lack of round-trip responsibly. Although both sides to solve the immediate problem so serious Terai-madhesakai be destroyed. The sphere was already doing some toy shelf and not janajivanasita. '

Flap 5 SHIVNATH Saha words conducting normal syringes income housing. Children raised / assembly. Eight people were saved well by means of livelihood. However, five months off his hotel. 'Enjoying savings shutdown finished eating, "he said," Now we eat seeking loans. "Do not appear before the house was a mess of everyday life, he says dhandadhandai.

Chamber of Commerce President Vinod Shah Banda headquarters and nearby business marketplace Close dried said the rise. Flap 5 Hira Patel bank debt How to pay interest monthly pay 68 thousand are under stress. Merchants, businessmen, workers and transport workers agricultural laborer reached arguing he says. Over the years, that means a family of epidermis was no market demand from the flap 6 of the 48-year-old Taieb Mia asahaya state loans are bokdabokdai. Based wheelbarrow income is 27 thousand sold food to make quilts are an alternative profession. Civil Servants' Association president Ashok Rauniyar say, 'Stop wearing the day of client service is being disrespected deficit.'


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