Nepal, Bhutan and myanamarasamma be affected
KATHMANDU: Indian Union Home Ministry Emergency Management experts have warned trail soon powerful earthquake in India.

The Indian Home Ministry, the statement calls on the experts said in the near future or even more powerful earthquake in India, at least 8.2 myagnicyuda may shake the Himalayan region.
Experts at the Indian Home Ministry on Monday Manipur Imphal, the capital has been the epicenter of a strong earthquake is hundreds of times more than 6.7 myagnicyuda claimed that in the near future are in this area.
On Monday last 6.7 myagnicyuda Manipur, Nepal, April 12, has been sikkima 7.3 in 2011 to 6.9 myagnicyuda myagnicyudako turmoil caused by the earthquake on the plate from the region on the basis of geological argue they are the sums.
In 2011 came the first earthquake sikkima geological plates had created a rift. However, it is engaged in by an earthquake in Nepal and Monday Manipur state has reached a more serious rift.
Therefore, according to experts in this area may come from other far earthquakes. In which it is possible to come from 8 myagnicyudako earthquake.
Facing the Indian Home Ministry of Nepal and the National Emergency Management Agency (NIDM) from the analysis, north-eastern India and particularly in mountain areas prone to earthquakes terrible mentioned increased.
A meeting was held recently incorporated NIDM India was raised this issue seriously. India produces 11 hill state policy Taking part in this cropped pahadiksetrama madariiraheko to address these serious sankatasamga chutatai all the state had decided to launch the program of.
The director Santosh Kumar said the Indian sancaramadhyamasamga talking of Nepal, Bhutan, and India myanamanara geological plates are yoked. This sector is expected to be the destruction of a great earthquake.
'Powerful earthquake hazard hill states of India bihanara, Uttar Pradesh and even in the Indian capital New Delhi also madariiraheko, "he said," according to the Indian capital, Delhi, is very sensitive to the seismic classification of the territory considered to be part of Class 4.
India's northeastern state and the hilly terrain of the states included in Class 5. On the other hand, some do not vaijnanikaharukai bhatariya Indian Home Ministry, the experts is different. Calls on the international experts, the current situation and recent earthquakes analysis of cracked Class 4 areas that come under 8 myagnicyudamathiko earthquake.
According to experts, if such an earthquake that took centuries to come together multiplying the pressure may give a powerful earthquake invited.
Kumar said the Indian central government of all the hill country of the Kingdom informed garaiekeko.
The central government to deal with the state governments having the same code is adopting quake vinasasamga said. This scheme applies to other Indian territory is different from the plan.
According to tell from the earthquake in Nepal has increased pressure on North Mountain. Manipur myagnicyudako 6.7 earthquake on Monday has still not come to fully indicate pletabicako They said that pressure. Rather more serious pressure becoming experts
According to the Himalayas in the north east of the geological experts enaaidieka plate collided with the Indo-barmija pletasamga still increased due to the crisis. Experts have noted that the crisis has reached a high point.
India is divided into four areas in accordance with the seismic sensitivity. Five is considered the most sensitive area of ​​the class. This category includes India's northeastern states, Nepal-related Bihar, uttarakhanda, -year Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Andaman and Nicobar islands have remained.
The most sensitive area of ​​the Indian capital, Delhi, to undertake yiniharu. Experts say India's urban area to fight the crisis situation that is very weak position. If more densely populated city in India, a quake losses is likely to be a big loss.


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