BHAUJU” is a ho**t Nepali Comedy Movie with the artists Pratikshya Khadka, Biarsh Neupane and Prashant. This has present the glamour, bold and comic in a same plate.
This short comedy movie has shown the ho**t and $e*xy of a girl. She is enjoying her physical !nt!macy with her husband in their room. At the time of physical !nt!macyof this h*ot and $e*xy girl and her husband , has been observed by a third person. This boy has been enjoying their h*ot and $e*xy moment unknowingly. That boy make a call to the husband of that $e*xy girl and says that he has been lucky that he got the DV lottery. As soon as the news get to him, he rushes to the cyber. At the same moment, he grab a opportunity and wait for that girl in their room.
That girl comes with a b@re body in her room who is unknown of that boy enter in their. When she turned back, she saw that unknown person in her room and gets terrified. That boy enjoys that b@re body and ran away. Hence, the girl has shown her h*ot and glamour body in this video. This movie may be $ed*uctive and may easily attr*acts many people’s attraction towards them.
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