The movie offering Anmol KC and leave out Nepal 2012, Shristi Shrestha in lieading function – ‘Gajalu’ is scheduled to launch on may 6, 2016. in keeping with the producer of the film, Rohit Adhikari, the taking pictures of the movie has been finished in 45 days, on January 12. The movie turned into shot in locations in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Chitlang, Daman and Kulekhani. The movie directed through Hemraj BC is taken into consideration the most awaited movie of the yr.With Shristi and Anmol the movie additionally features Gaurav Pahadi, Rhitik Shahi and Salon Basnet in principal role. The movie is made on the affection story of youths. The romantic mystery movie had obtained a minimum assure of Rs. 3.5 million through FD company within the initial days of the shooting of the film. The manufacturer has predicted the value to attain Rs. 12.5 million by the give up of publish-manufacturing.The movie made below the joint banner of Rohit Adhikari films and BC motion pics is written by using the director Hemraj BC. The director of the movie, Hemraj BC, had formerly directed two wonderful-hit films – ‘Hostel’ and ‘Jerryy’. each the films had featured Anmol KC.


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