Diesel distribution is becoming easier, petrol 'miner' Retain

Next week submitted a private car and torching fuel
15 Dec, Kathmandu. Kathmandu Nepal Oil Corporation has decided to increase the market supply of diesel. Bharat Petroleum Corporation, the market in recent days after the import of diesel supply was going to be easy.
Earlier the day, on average, 2 million liters of diesel Distribution Depot Kathmandu RPGs bhaierahekoma now carried out to some extent it karkakari director of NOC gopalabahadura police said. 'Shrines in Kathmandu in order to increase oil content RPGs sent Depot market begins "Executive Director Khadka said they ride public and of services provided to the oil supply is likely to be smooth."
On Wednesday, two million liters of diesel in the market increased almost 2 million sent to the NAC on Thursday tomorrow will bring 20 thousand liters. Stock market grows, which will slow progress Khadka normal diesel supply.


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